Sunday, February 26, 2006


Biology and the Law

Wesley R. Elsberry, a biologist, long time habitué of the usenet group and more recently Information Project Director for the National Center for Science Education, spoke recently to the Carolina Law Review while he was attending its Symposium on Religion in the Public Schools.

He has put up a copy of his talk at his blog, The Austringer. Here is a sample to whet your appetite:

In 1825, one can find the first appearance of the claim that old earth speculations were being steadily abandoned by serious naturalists, who preferred the account of Moses in Genesis. This argument, modified and extended to say that evolution is a theory in crisis and that antievolution is the preference of more and more scientists is a canard belied by the fact that this supposed always-growing body of antievolutionists has over 14 decades remained a tiny minority of scientific practitioners. It is not clear that the growth has even kept up with the rate of human population increase.

Unable to make inroads in the scientific community, the antievolution movement has relied upon political action to gain the imprimatur of the government for their views.
Well worth the read.
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