Thursday, March 16, 2006


Waiting In the Wings

Hal Lindsey, in a match made in . . . well . . . heaven, has an article in WingNutDaily telling SETI scientists that their assumptions are wrong and, therefore, they are looking in the wrong place for intelligent life. Of course, if Hal knew anything about going to the right place for answers, he might not have predicted the Second Coming of Christ in the 1980s.

In the midst of a thoroughly silly argument, Hal outdoes himself with this:

The assumption that random chance is distinguishable from intelligent design is one of those things that needs no further explanation. It is completely observable in our world.

An image of the Virgin Mary appearing in the grill marks of a grilled cheese sandwich is a case of random chance. A painting of the Virgin Mary is evidence of intelligent design.

Um, Hal, if it is so easy to tell random images from intelligent designs, how come so many people wind up venerating faces they see in rust patterns on water towers and the like? And how do you know that cheese sandwiches aren’t the preferred artistic medium of the mice friends of Slartibartfast?

If the best you can offer, Hal, is your personal opinion, those of us who remember your stuff from the 70s might just want to pass.

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