Saturday, April 29, 2006


Nothing But the FAQ

Pat Hayes at Red State Rabble has an article about a new four color brochure titled "FAQ About the New Kansas Science Standards" that is being circulated during the run-up to the Kansas School Board elections this fall. While no one is taking credit for this effort, it does refer readers to websites of the Kansas Department of Education and something called Kansas Science 2005. The Kansas Science 2005 site states that it "reflects the work of eight of 25 members of the Kansas Science Writing Committee appointed in 2004 by the Kansas State Board of Education" or, in other words, the authors of the "Minority Report" adopted by the conservative majority on the Board. The brochure can be found in pdf format at the site.

This set of questions and answers stands out:

Q: Why is the teaching of origins so controversial?

A: It is scientifically controversial because it is an historical science, and therefore very subjective. It is religiously controversial because it addresses the question: "Where do we come from?" This is a question that some claim is inseparably linked with the question: "Where do we go?"

Q: Do the changes seek to criticize evolution to advance religion?

A: No. They seek to eliminate rather than advance a religious bias that permeated the old standards.

In other words, in the State of Kansas all "historical sciences" are considered subjective and, if they deal with "origins," they are deemed to be religious in nature.

But that contention, written into official state policy, won’t "drive businesses out of Kansas and disqualify students for college." That was just "propaganda designed to frighten rather than inform . . . concocted by founders of Kansas Citizens for Science and . . . outlined in the November 2000 issue of Freethought Today, a publication of atheists and agnostics."

But remember folks, it ain’t about religion! It is all about the science!
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