Wednesday, June 07, 2006
It's Been a Pleasure
"If we didn't believe in miracles, we wouldn't have spent our vacation money to come here," said Sandra Rodrigues of Utah, who with her family has been standing outside the Russell Senate Office Building all week, shouting at senators and displaying signs urging "Stop Same Sex Marriage: It Endorses Masturbation." "If same-sex marriage is endorsed," she explained, "then you're going to have children think it's just another option to have pleasure."
Betcha thought that was from The Onion, right?
Nope. Washington Post, "For Foes of Same-Sex Marriage, It's the Thought That Counts" by Dana Milbank.
Besides a tip of the hat to Mr. Milbank for the irony of the headline, I don't have anything to say. I mean, how could you top it anyway?
....for very loose definitions of the word "thought".
masturbation. Mine excepted, of course . . .
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