Friday, August 04, 2006


The Two Sides of the Issue

Maybe it is just me but there seems to be a bit of a disconnect going on in the ranks of the ID crowd in the wake of their latest loss in Kansas. On the one hand, in the New York Times:

John G. West, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, a group in the forefront of the intelligent design movement, said any repeal of the science standards would be a disservice to students here, and an effort to censor legitimate scientific challenges to Darwin's theories. Still, he said, no local political skirmish will ultimately answer the broad issue.

"The debate over Darwin's theory will be won or lost over the science," he said.

And on the other, in an Associated Press story:

Both sides conceded Wednesday that evolution will remain an issue in future board races, whatever the results this year.

"It will continue forever," said John Calvert, a retired attorney who helped found the Intelligent Design Network, which attacks evolution. "It will never end."

Now of course, if it was about science, evidence is the end (and the be-all as well). If it will never end, it is because Calvert realizes that it is not about evidence at all.

How can we resolve this conundrum? Oh, right! Silly me! The IDeologists are just being two-faced.

I would bet you that, if asked, Mr. Calvert would say that the argument "will never end" because those awful dogmatic Darwinists will never admit that the evidence is on his side. Whether he actually believes this or not, who knows? But I think he'd say it.
Probably, but then it still wouldn't be about the science.

And then he'd just have to prove that charge too!
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