Saturday, June 16, 2007


May Polls

According to the Christian Post, a new USA Today/Gallup Poll shows that only 31 percent of Americans agree that President Bush should veto the legislation to ease government restrictions on funding embryonic stem cell research that Congress recently passed, while 60 percent feel he should not.

Even among Republicans opposition to stem cell research is weakening. In the recent poll, 45 percent of Republicans said the government should lessen restrictions on federally funding stem cell research, compared to 2004 and 2005 when only about a third of Republicans supported easing the ban.


A Gallup survey in May on values and beliefs found that 64 percent of Americans believe "medical research using stem cell obtained from human embryos" is morally acceptable, while 30 percent said it is morally wrong.
Will reality ever rear it ugly head in George Bush's presence?

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