Sunday, December 23, 2007


Four and Counting

Ron Paul has joined the 19th century:

Cross another off the list.

Via Truthdig.
I saw this clip at, I think, Greg Laden's blog. Ron Paul is just one of many idiots running for president. The choices, especially on the Republican slate, are appalling. Get ready to join the third world - it looks like that's the destination our leader-wannabes have selected for us.
Perhaps I'm too naive, but I'm willing to give Ron Paul some benefit of the doubt based on this video clip. It seemed to me that he was reciting the "evolution is just a theory" line without showing much conviction in it.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that some of the Republican candidates regard themselves as compelled to say something along those lines in order to appeal to these prospective base. So while some, such as Huckabee, clearly are creationists, I'm not so sure about others, such as Paul.
It seemed to me that he was reciting the "evolution is just a theory" line without showing much conviction in it.

Admittedly I'm cynical from my involvement in this issue for many years, but it seemed to me that he was reciting the "I don't know how God went about creation" line without showing much conviction in it.

And I don't find appealing to that base, with its leanings towards theocracy and against freedom of conscious, except their own, any more acceptable in a candidate than being anti-science.
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