Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Grand Delusion

Richard B. Hoppe has a post up at the Panda's Thumb about a blurb for William Dembski's new book (compared to one for Ken Miller's Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul).
Dembski's book, Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need to Know in Plain Language, is co-authored by Sean McDowell, the head of the Bible Department at Capistrano Valley Christian Schools. No doubt the choice of a another theologian as co-author and the promise that it will be in language that won't tax the reader's intellect are wise choices, given their target audience.
But the truly hilarious part is the blurb for Dembski's tome by that noted scholar and intellectual, Ann Coulter:
Liberals respond to critics of their religion like Cotton Mather to Salem's "witches." With this book, two more witches present themselves for burning: Sean McDowell, whose gift is communicating with young people, and Bill Dembski, often called the Isaac Newton of intelligent design. I think Dembski is more like the Dick Butkus of Intelligent Design.
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