Monday, October 20, 2008
Do Your Ears Hear What Your Mouth Says?
WALLACE: But, Senator, you voted for the $700-billion bailout that's being used partially to nationalize American banks. Isn't that socialism?Quite apart from the serious risk of whiplash McCain ran by making such a sharp U-turn at high speed, what exactly does he call using billions in tax dollars to preserve the lives and futures of innocent people and to help those who need help because they can't help themselves?
MCCAIN: That is reacting to a crisis that's due to greed and excess in Washington. And what this administration is doing wrong, and what Paulson is doing wrong, is not going out and buying up home loan mortgages, home mortgages, and giving people new mortgages at the new value of their home so they can stay in their home. They're bailing out the banks. They're bailing out these institutions.
WALLACE: But you voted for that.
MCCAIN: Of course. It was a package that had to be enacted because the economy was about to go into the tank.... That's the reason why we have governments, to help those who need help, who can't help themselves, and when time of crisis to step in and do what's necessary to preserve the lives and futures of innocent people. It wasn't Main Street America that caused this. It was Washington and Wall Street.
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...Barack Obama is a socialist.
And I, born of a line of English working-class Methodists and occasional NDP supporter, keep asking: so what if he was? (Not that I'm idealistic enough to be much of a socialist, but the mere word doesn't frighten me, as it seems to millions of Americans).
...using billions in tax dollars to preserve the lives and futures of innocent people and to help those who need help because they can't help themselves?
Yeah, keep that up and next you lot will be voting in socialized health care, and then where will you be?
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And I, born of a line of English working-class Methodists and occasional NDP supporter, keep asking: so what if he was? (Not that I'm idealistic enough to be much of a socialist, but the mere word doesn't frighten me, as it seems to millions of Americans).
...using billions in tax dollars to preserve the lives and futures of innocent people and to help those who need help because they can't help themselves?
Yeah, keep that up and next you lot will be voting in socialized health care, and then where will you be?
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