Monday, April 06, 2009


Boogie Insights

Well, well ...

I should have known. Atheism is all about sex ... at least according to Dinesh D'Souza:

If you really look at the motivations of contemporary atheists, you'll find that they don't even really reject Christian theology. It's not as if the atheist objects to the resurrection or the parting of the sea; rather, it is Christian morality to which atheists object, particularly Christian moral prohibitions in the area of sex. The atheist looks at all of Christianity's "thou shalt nots"-homosexuality is bad; divorce is bad; adultery is bad; premarital sex is bad-and then looks at his own life and says, "If these things are really bad, then I'm a bad guy. But I'm not a bad guy; I'm a great guy. I must thus reinterpret or (preferably) abolish all of these accusatory teachings that are putting me in a bad light."

There is more of this amateur psychology and cheap breast beating but the really painful part is the hero worship displayed by the interviewer:

The first thing you notice about Dinesh D'Souza is an intellectual swagger that borders on cockiness without crossing over. Such confidence could be attributed to his Dartmouth education, to his position as policy advisor in the Reagan administration, to his near ubiquitous presence on television news shows, or to the library of critically acclaimed books that he has published on everything from racism to economic prosperity.

But you get the feeling that it actually stems from the knowledge that, at any given moment, he is probably the smartest person in the room.

In that room maybe ...

And D'Souza does not worship Huitzilopochtli he'd rather avoid human sacrifice.
"It's not as if the atheist objects to the resurrection or the parting of the sea..."

Yes. Yes, we do object.
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It's not as if the atheist objects to the resurrection or the parting of the sea...

Well, there are at least two grounds for objections, actually.

First, they are not particularly compelling as fictional accounts go. They would not get published in even the lamest science fiction mags today.

Second, they are even less compelling as historical accounts than they are as fiction.
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