Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Birds of a Feather

Of course Intelligent Design is not religious. Neither is it creationism.

The fact that Michael Behe is participating in a lecture series organized by The International Institute for Culture, which describes the series as:

Leading Catholic scientists, ethicists and cultural analysts will present information that supports the event's theme: "Latest Scientific Discoveries Challenge Darwinian Evolution's Fitness to Survive." The IIC is a non-profit educational and research center dedicated to Catholic cultural renewal.

... is purely coincidental.

So is the fact that Behe is sharing this forum with:

Hugh Miller, research chemist, and co-author of the paper "Recent C[arbon]-14 dating of fossils including dinosaur bone collagen," will also challenge generally accepted thinking in his speech titled, "Removing the Darwinian fig leaf: what modern carbon dating reveals about the true age of the dinosaur."

That would appear to be the same Hugh Miller who, according to Bradley T. Lepper, the Curator of Archaeology of the Ohio Historical Society, is associated with the Creation Research, Science Education Foundation and, after obtaining "several fragments of fossilized dinosaur bone from the paleontological collections of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 'by disguising the nature of the creationist science group' ... and by misrepresenting the nature of their proposed research," claimed that radiocarbon dating showed that "dinosaurs lived with man … as recently as 10,000 years ago." The sordid tale of how Miller, et al., "achieved" those "results" is instructive.

In short, Miller is a young-Earth creationist ... one of those people who the Discovery Institute claims is nothing like them! John Haas, the president of both the IIC and National Catholic Bioethics Center, even goes so far as to say "There is fundamentally no opposition between science and religion." Well, there sure is when you promote YEC and ID.

There is even the "teach the controversy" ploy, yet another prediction of the imminent demise of Darwinism and an admission that this is a political campaign instead of science. Timothy Murnane, the event organizer, said:

It is important for young Catholics to hear both sides of the story to assist them in their own accountability in faith decisions. I believe Darwinian evolution will be discredited this generation. We want to reach as many decision makers and educators as possible.

Do they even listen to themselves?


Arrrgh! John Lynch beat me to this.

I don't know if the NCSE have the original Lepper article up on their site, but FYI it's available at http://www.fleming-group.com/Misc/Radiocarbon%20Dates%20for%20Dinosaur%20Bones.pdf
Whoops, I missed the fact that you had that link already!

Never mind [/littela]
C14!?! Does *anyone* use carbon dating on dinosaur fossils? I guess creationists find it easier to attack that the actual radiometric dating used for fossils.
And the fact that Dawkins and others are the darlings of atheists and speak at their events is, of course, of no relevance, do I have that right?
And the fact that Dawkins and others are the darlings of atheists and speak at their events is, of course, of no relevance ...

Not particularly ... unless you want to contend that Michael Collins, Ken Miller, Francis Ayala, Theodosius Dobzhansky, and many, many more supporters of the science of evolution are all atheists. The fact is that, with the exception of a few contrarians (who are always around), ID advocates overwhelmingly and obviously are pushing religious objections to evolution. It is doubtful that anywheres near a majority of scientists who support evolution are atheists and even fewer allege that evolution somehow disproves any god.

In other words, there is no evidence that evolution is a position taken to advance atheism while the reverse is true of ID.
The _Creation/Evolution_ with Lepper's article is on the NCSE website:

http://ncseweb.org/webfm_send/1160 (PDF)
Thanks, Jim.
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