Thursday, October 29, 2009
David Klinghoffer has gone from merely being inane to being a sycophant of epic proportions.
One can only hope that Jonathan Wells and David Berlinski had full body condoms available to protect the various body parts that Klinghoffer was trying to insert his tongue in.
Klinghoffer effuses over the Discovery Institute's latest propaganda film, Darwin's Dilemma, too, as if the whole "Darwinism can't explain the Cambrian Explosion" bafflegab was wholly new to him ... which, if true, has to make you wonder just how Klinghoffer can be so confident in his belief in ID, if he is so ignorant of it's arguments that he doesn't already know about one of its oldest claims (and that of its creationist predecessors, for that matter).
But it is Berlinski who Klinghoffer is practically got his nose up the butt of. And if Klinghoffer is reporting it correctly, it is incredibly fatuous stuff he is so enamored of indeed. Take this:
I also loved his insight that the ugliness of the results of the Darwinian idea, its effects on our culture, are far from irrelevant in judging the idea's truth. This is another one of Darwin's dilemmas. Berlinski cited Keats, "'Truth is truth, beauty truth,' -- that is all/ Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." No, he pointed out, you can't separate the consequences of Darwinian theory from its truth. Beauty may well be an aspect of truth.
And then there's Klinghoffer's lauding of:
... David's very funny riff on how a cow-like creature could take to the seas as a proto-whale, per the Darwinian just-so story, including the challenge of developing nipples that work underwater.
Still, Klinghoffer can't help but deliver a truly -- but inadvertently -- funny line:
The word that came to my mind watching [Darwin's Dilemma] was "spooky."
That's hardly surprising ... what with spirits poofing things into existence and all.
But let's be charitable and think it was just a typo.
"But it is Berlinski who Klinghoffer is practically got his nose up the butt of."
Crackard Turdous,
Thy bung
hath flung
Some dung on us.
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