Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wilkins World Tour Meets Howlerfest
John Wilkins' World Tour arrived with much pomp and circumstances in New York where he was waylaid by a group of Howler Monkeys (and one refugee) from the newsgroup and forced to consume copious amounts of beer and dead animals against his will. Below is a photo* taken before all the debauchery had taken full effect.

As you can see, the Howlers were using mind control rays to compel Wilkins to consume the comestibles.

The nine-fingered philosopher uses his favorite pointing device to accentuate an argument.

Professor Stephanie Stephanie was already a little blurry due to drink.

I think there will be other photos of the proceedings online eventually.

A good time was had by all ... and maybe someday I'll remember it.
* From left to right: Matt and Cathy Silberstein, Maude Morris, seated is Paul Gans wife (whose name has, shamefully, slipped my so-called mind - Update: John has helpfully supplemented my hindbrain: Gail), Bill Morris, our host, Chris Thompson (in the wonderful Hawaiian shirt), The Great Man Himself, Mitch Coffey, Pauls Gans and the disreputable sort on the right, about to break into a rousing chorus of "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK," is yours truly. The picture was taken by Chis' daughter Jade.

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Never trust anyone with nine fingers. You don't want to be where they are.. at least, not if evolution is true.
It's been a _long_ time since I was a regular on t.o (or any Usenet newsgroup, for that matter), but I wish I could have been there.
Semper Alouatta!
Joel Hanes
Houseman Scholar in Experimental Apologetics
University of Ediacara
go, you fighting Anomalocarids !!
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Semper Alouatta!
Joel Hanes
Houseman Scholar in Experimental Apologetics
University of Ediacara
go, you fighting Anomalocarids !!
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