Friday, December 04, 2009
This one is a doozy. It seems that God has an upright posture:
... God had in mind a particular creature -- us -- and this is indicated by the enigmatic Scriptural phrase "image of God," a quality that we somehow carry with us. I did not suggest how the human face, or hands and feet, reflect this image, because I'm not sure how exactly that works. It is much easier to say how our posture, unique in the world of creatures, bears witness to our human mission on earth.
Man stands upright, straight, like a pillar that is upright, which is not the case with any other being, as none of them stand up straight but rather all walk hunched over. And this is an indication of the [exalted] level of man, for man is king over the lower plane of existence, and all serve him....This is called the "image of God."
Now the good Rabbi sort of had an excuse ... he had no way to know about dinosaurs with upright stances (though no excuse for ignoring birds and, probably, other examples I'm forgetting).
But Klinghoffer will have to make up some bafflegab about how the T. Rex was always being told by his mother to stand up straight but wouldn't listen.
And then, among mammals, there are kangaroos.
Various animals are upright on occasion. I'm thinking of meerkats, gorillas, and praying mantises.
And how can we forget those living things which are much more prominently upright than humans. I'm thinking of trees.
I suspect neither David nor the good Rebbi count tress as "beings," since they do not have "the blood of life" ... the same loophole that did not necessitate Noah filling up the Ark with two (or 14) of every species of beetle that God is so fond of.
... it seems a strange characteristic to choose as symbolising our godliness.
When you're just making sh*t up, "strangeness' is rarely a criterion.
If i had to choose, then, I'd say God was like a meerkat.
They're much cuter than we are anyway.
Your comment takes me back to a Joyce Kilmer parody of my youth:
No wonder virgin woods I see,
For only God can *make* a tree.
Bob Carroll
Oh, ok, more seriously, I suspect recent research about people's expectations about 'God's opinions' is at work here. See news item at
In the same way that people believe God's views on homosexuality, divorce or abortion (for instance) are the same as they themselves hold, it is but a short step to believing that God has the same bodily form. And from there a short step to our bodily form (upright mammalian biped) being a reflection of God's image.
Does God have nipples? Enquiring minds wish to know.
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