Friday, February 12, 2010
Sweet Kentucky Home
The text of HB 397, entitled the Kentucky Science Education and Intellectual Freedom Act, is substantially similar to the so-called Louisiana Science Education Act, Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:285.1, which was passed and enacted in 2008, over the protests of the state's scientific and educational communities. A novelty in the Kentucky bill is the phrase "advantages and disadvantages of scientific theories," a variation on the familiar "strengths and weaknesses" and "evidence for and evidence against" rhetoric.
What are the disadvantages of scientific theories? Well, science requires that you think and that makes some people's head hurt. Oh, wait! That means drug stores and pharmaceutical companies will do more business and provide more jobs, which is a net good to society. Nope, I can't think of any disadvantages of scientific theories.
Hey! Maybe this bill isn't so bad after all!