Saturday, February 12, 2011
Kansas vs. Darwin

It is a well done documentary where the protagonists were allowed to speak for themselves. Of course, the opponents of the changes to the draft standards produced by the educational experts were talking about science and the proponents, especially towards the end, were revealing their sectarian religious motives for the changes. Pedro Irigonegaray, the attorney who represented the pro-science side, while refusing compensation because the whole exercise was robbing money from the educational system that could be better spent on the state's children, was particularly impressive, even though the creationists thought him "rude" for asking witnesses pointed questions about their motives. A particularly notable moment was the juxtaposition of board member Connie Morris whining about being called stupid in "vulgar" terms while Irigonegaray was recounting the death threats he had received.
You can also catch a glimpse of Josh Rosenau of Thoughts from Kansas in the audience at around minute 63:15.
In any event, it's well worth the look and the video is so good that it can be watched comfortably in "full screen."
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Oh, well. They had no duty to make it available in the first place so they can pull it when they want too.
It was working back when I posted about it. I watched it myself.
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It was working back when I posted about it. I watched it myself.
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