Sunday, June 23, 2013


Biblical Intelligence

Jerry Coyne has the story of the Discoveryless Institute bragging about a "top geneticist" who has endorsed Stephen Meyer's new book Darwin's Doubt.

Of course, the DI fails to mention that the expert, Dr. Norman C. Nevin, is one of those Biblical creationists who believes that Adam was a historic person and the Flood was a historic event, which the DI keeps insisting has nothing to do with ID.

Nevin even edited a book, Should Christians Embrace Evolution, in which he concludes that "No coherent, cohesive theology has yet been offered that would allow Christians to embrace evolution with integrity."

But that's not all.

The DI is also touting the endorsement of Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, Senior Scientist (Biology), Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Emeritus.

Oh, lookie here ... he's a Biblical creationist too, who has participated in a movie, entitled Hat die Bibel doch recht? Der Evolutionstheorie fehlen die Beweise (Is the Bible Right? There is No Evidence for the Theory of Evolution, 1998) promoted by a group of German young-earth creationists.

But remember! ID has nothing to do with Biblical creationism.

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No coherent, cohesive theology has yet been offered that would allow Christians to embrace evolution with integrity.

Which reminds me of the observation that no coherent, cohesive account has yet been offered for the appearance of the variety of life which does not involve common descent with modification. (Except for Omphalism.)

And please note that I did not qualify that with the word "scientific", or ask about evidence or other backing.
They never seem to notice that.
"Nevin even edited a book, Should Christians Embrace Evolution, in which he concludes that "No coherent, cohesive theology has yet been offered that would allow Christians to embrace evolution with integrity." "

Wouldn't Coyne endorse that book too?
Wouldn't Coyne endorse that book too?

Heh! I suppose he would. But no one is touting Coyne as a disinterested expert on theology vis-a-vis science, while the DI is touting these guys as disinterested experts on science vis-a-vis ID.
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