Friday, November 13, 2009


Mirages In the Mirror

David Klinghoffer is peddling inanity again but in a hilariously un-self-aware fashion.

Once more, he is promoting David Berlinski's Argumentum ad Poetica, where Keats' line (still mangled by Klinghoffer) about "Beauty is truth, truth beauty ..." is somehow supposed to be a measure of scientific theories. He has a minor point about PZ Myers' also holding that "ideas have consequences" when it comes to religion but, of course, there is a major difference between the ideas of religion and the ideas of science. Science does not say, as religion does, that:

We have a responsibility to hold fast to every doctrine God has seen fit to reveal to us in Scripture; in particular, we are under obligation to receive by faith the doctrine of Creation.

... even when it means we have to accept such batshit crazy ideas as the Earth being only 6,000 years old. All science requires is that you not commit a category error by calling something "science" when it doesn't follow science's method. Despite all their whinging about mean ol' "Darwinists" not letting them have their say, all the IDers have to do in order to get a hearing in the scientific community is to produce empirically testable data in favor of their claims.

But here is Klinghoffer's comedy routine:

Islam doesn't particularly interest me -- any religion can be made to look inherently wicked by a selective quoting of sources ...

Oh? ... like how Klinghoffer and the other IDers selectively quote Darwin and even intuit Hitler's "transparently Darwinian arguments to motivate fellow Jew-haters to actuate the Final Solution" in order to try to make science look wicked?

I've got news for Klinghoffer. It doesn't take selective quotations to make his version of religion, which has no scruples about lying to children about what science is, look bad.

Jeez, John, had I known you had a blog I would have been here long ago.

I blame Darwin.
Nice to see you again. But you can't blame Darwin. He only says that we are the victim of our own faults.

John, isn't that Wilkins' picture you are using?
Uh ... no!
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