Friday, March 12, 2010
Everything Old ...
Do modern day "intelligent design" advocates actually practice the "natural theology" most famously embodied in William Paley's book by that name?
Yes, they do. Shall we count the ways in this piece by Richard Marshall in the Fort Scott (Kansas) Tribune?
Argument from a perfect fit? Check.
The related "Gee wizz! That's complicated, must of been designed!" "argument." Check.
Watchmaker (in this case Cadillac maker) analogy? Check.
Some of the stuff is pretty funny: "The processes of transpiration and capillary action work together to move the nutrients in solution up through the plant to the leaves as high as 300 feet for the giant redwoods." Uh, yeah, and if transpiration and capillary action didn't work together to move the nutrients in solution up through the plant to the leaves as high as 300 feet there wouldn't be giant redwoods. There'd still be cyanobacteria though.
And: "All food originates from [photosynthesis]." Well, if we define "food" as nutrients utilized by organisms then what about bacteria that live at ocean vents and deep underground who never see the light of day and catalyze minerals?
Mr. Marshall is fairly honest about it though: "The Bible tells us that the world about us should tell us there is a god and that He is responsible for it's creation." Too bad the Undiscovery Institute isn't so forthcoming.